
PSM reopens media centre in Addu City

Public Service Media (PSM) on Monday reopened Addu City media centre after five years of closure.

The centre was officially opened by MP for Feydhoo Constituency Ibrahim Didi, and the centre aired its first broadcast at 1400hrs news bulletin, which was followed by a special edition of PSM’s Raajje Miadhu programme.

Since its establishment in 2015, PSM has been working to expand its news-gathering and dissemination capability.

In order to achieve its vision to cover news and current affairs events from all over the country, the broadcaster plans to establish media centres in various parts of the country.  

Speaking after opening Addu City Media Centre, Feydhoo MP Ibrahim Didi said dissemination of true importation was vital for development, and expressed hope that the media centre would bring immense development to the city.

At the ceremony, Managing Director of PSM, Ibrahim Khaleel said that reopening of the media centre in Addu would facilitate timely coverage of events happening in the city.

The media centre in Addu City will broadcast news and current affairs, and entertainment programmes, and carry live broadcasts of events in the city.

PSM is working to establish 10 media centres across the country by mid-2018.