
AOSIS holds meeting on sidelines of COP 22

Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) has held a meeting on the sidelines of the twenty-second session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 22) in Marrakesh, Morocco.

The Maldives is the current chair of AOSIS.

The meeting was focused on setting out AOSIS’s priorities for the climate change discussions and determine ways to achieve those priorities, the Environment Ministry said.

AOSIS member states also discussed ways to secure finances for climate change mitigation programmes in small island states, it added.

The Maldives assumed the chairmanship of AOSIS on the 1st of January 2015.

AOSIS is a coalition of small island and low-lying coastal countries that share similar development challenges and concerns about the environment, especially their vulnerability to the adverse effects of global climate change. It functions primarily as an ad hoc lobby and negotiating voice for small island developing States (SIDS) within the United Nations system.

AOSIS has a membership of 44 States and observers, drawn from all oceans and regions of the world: Africa, Caribbean, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean, Pacific and South China Sea.