
Everyone must be ready to make sacrifices for country: President

President Yameen Abdul Gayoom urged all Maldivian citizens to never allow any circumstance that would disrupt national unity, and to always be ready to make sacrifices for the nation.

He made the remarks in his address to the nation on the occasion of this year’s National Day.

The President appealed to today’s youth and future generations to take example from the sacrifices made by our national heroes, and to aim higher in taking the country forward.

He said that all Maldivian citizens must be proud of our beloved country, and be willing to make the sacrifices required by the country. He also said that similar to our national heroes, the greatest desire in our hearts must be to love this country.

The official ceremony to mark this year’s National Day was held in Villingili, Gaafu Alifu Atoll.

Speaking at the ceremony, Vice President Abdulla Jihad called on the Maldivian youth to be steadfast in serving the nation.

In his address, the Vice President stated that National day is an occasion to recall and appreciate the national heroes who sacrificed for the sake of our nation. The Vice President also shed light on the remarkable service provided to the nation by the day’s champion, Al-Sultan Mohamed Thakurufaan-ul Auzam and stated that his sacrifices will always be reminisced as one of the brightest acts in the Maldivian history.

He also noted the importance of peace in the progress of any nation, adding there will be no progress or development without peace and stability.

The Vice President lauded President Yameen’s transformational developmental agenda, highlighting that the country had seen unprecedented development over the past three years. He also expressed deep appreciation and gratitude to the President's initiatives to advance the nation.