
Pres. ratifies amendments to Political Party Act & Maritime Act

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom on Tuesday ratified the Third Amendment to the Political Party Act. The amendment, which prevents candidates who lose primaries of political parties from contesting respective elections, was passed by Parliament at the 14th sitting of its third session, on November 23, 2016.

Following ratification, the Act has been ‎published in the Government Gazette.‎

On Tuesday, the President also ratified the Fourth Amendment to the Maldives Maritime Navigation Act (Act No. 78/69). The amendment was passed by Parliament at the 13th sitting of its third session on November 22, 2016.

Following ratification, the Act has been ‎published in the Government Gazette.‎

Upon ratification of the amendment, all vessels used for maritime security services will be excluded from the Maldives Maritime Navigation Act.