
Government launches USD 10.4 million renewable energy project

The government of Maldives has launched a USD 10.4 million mega project on generating renewable energy.

The project is to be implemented by Chinese company Changzhou Trina Solar Energy Cooperation Limited. Practical work on the establishment of the hybrid systems in some islands under phase one of the government’s mega project has been completed and are in operation in some islands. Under phase two of the project, Chinese company Changzhou Trina Solar Energy Cooperation Limited has been tasked to establish renewable energy systems in all inhabited islands of Haa Alifu atoll.

At the signing ceremony held at the Ministry of Environment and Energy, Minister Thoriq Ibrahim signed the agreement on behalf of the government while the Deputy General Manager of Changzhou Trina Solar Energy Cooperation Limited signed the agreement on behalf of the company.

After signing the agreement, Minister Thoriq said that it is a target of the administration to establish renewable energy resources in all inhabited islands, by the end of the first term of this administration.

“In order to upgrade power systems in islands, 14 generators shall be installed. That is up to 3.3 Mega Watts. All islands will also be provided 2.5 Mega Watt battery systems. This is an effort to increase efficiency,” the Environment Minister said.

The minister added that the amount of power generated via renewable means has increased to 6 Mega Watts in the past three years. He said that the target is to ensure that all inhabited islands have the capacity to produce 30 percent of the islands’ power through renewable means.