
Islamic Minister discusses preparations for IDB Conference

Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr. Ahmed Ziyad has met with officials of Islamic Development Bank, IDB to discuss preparations for the IDB Annual Conference.

The meeting was held between Islamic Minister Dr. Ziyad and IDB's Country Programme Manager for Maldives, Mohamed Nasis Sulaiman at the Islamic Affairs Ministry on Wednesday. The IDB Conference is scheduled to be held in in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on May 16, 2017.

The Islamic Ministry said that during the meeting, the Minister and the Country Manager discussed ongoing and proposed projects to be conducted in Maldives through IDB Assistance, in addition to preparations for the event.

The Islamic Minister, who is the current governor from Maldives to IDB, is scheduled to depart to Saudi Arabia on May 13, 2017 to participate in the IDB Annual Conference.