
All arrangements in place to ensure a free and fair election: EC

The President of Elections Commission Ahmed Sulaiman assures that all arrangements are in place to ensure a free and fair election.

Sharing information with PSM News about final preparations before polls opened this morning, Sulaiman said that observers from The Forum of Election Management Bodies of South Asia (FENBOSA) member countries in addition to European and local observers would be observing the processes in various regions of Maldives. Sulaiman also called on all eligible voters to cast votes in the election, in order to fulfil their individual responsibility as citizens.

Furthermore, Maldives Police Service states that security measures have been taken for the local council election and assures that the institution would be overseeing security issues throughout the election process. Police has called on all citizens to act in a manner that would allow all citizens to exercise their right to vote, independently and assured that they will not allow any disturbances while polls are open and said that police officials deployed across the country were well prepared to tackle any such situation.

Police Service also called on citizens to fully cooperate with election officials and police officers to ensure a free and fair election.