
Society needs to accept children as the future: Gender Minister

Minister of Gender and Family, Zenysha Shaheed Zaki has stated that in order to protect and advance the child rights, society needs to accept children as the future of the nation.

In a nationwide address to mark Children's Day, the Minister said that all children have the right to their rights without discrimination. Directing her nationwide address at children, Minister Zenysha said that every child is capable of progressing in any field they have interest in, depending on their capabilities.

Minister Zenysha said that all children have the right to attain constructive and subjective education and that children with disabilities have the right to deserve special arrangements.

The minister called upon all children to be caring and respectful towards each other and to participate in social activities related to children. She also called upon children to raise their voices against immoral issues such as violence and war. She reminded that violence against children is unacceptable and that each child has the right to seek protection from such violence.

She called upon children to report any such issue, whether it happens in school or at home, to report it to a trustworthy adult. She added that children can also report such activities to the toll free, child helpline established at the Ministry of Gender and Family, 1412.

The Minister also expressed gratitude to various parties that continue to work towards ensuring a brighter future for children across the world.