
ADK Hospital reinstates ‘Aasandha’

ADK has revealed that the hospital has reinstated Aasandha healthcare service, starting midnight.

In a press release, ADK Hospital stated that the hospital and Aasandha Company came to an agreement on Thursday to restart provision of certain services from the hospital through the Aasandha policy.

On May 7, 2017 the largest private hospital in Maldives, ADK Hospital announced that the hospital would no longer deliver services under the national healthcare scheme, in the wake of Aasandha Company's decision to suspend the national healthcare scheme for private healthcare facilities. Aasandha Company attributed this decision to the fact that inpatient services, outpatient services, laboratory investigations and scanning services were available from state hospitals, free of charge.

However, even at the time, the company reminded that this was not a discontinuation, rather a suspension of Aasandha, until the company reviews the scheme in regard to private hospitals and clinics.