
Local researcher opens exhibition to portray coral stone mosques

Local researcher Mauroof Jameel has opened an exhibition to portray information about coral stone mosques in Maldives.

The exhibition titled "Coral stone Mosques in Maldives- the Vanishing Legacy of the Indian Ocean", was opened in Male' City, in response to an invitation by the national museum and sponsored by four parties. The exhibition would portray information about select coral stone mosques from across the country.

Mauroof has researched tropical mosques built using decorated interlocking coral stone taken from the reefs surrounding Maldivian islands, which have intricate carvings and detailed timber lacquer work not seen in any part of the world. The type of construction found in these mosques, called "coral stone carpentry" is no longer possible and the mosques that survive today are the last of their kind.

Mauroof is an architectural consultant, a researcher and also a keen artist and illustrator.