
Maldives registers a 16% growth in tourist flow in April

With an increase in the European market, Maldives has registered a 16% growth in tourist flow in the month of April.

Statistics revealed by Ministry of Tourism show that, 119,777 tourists visited Maldives in April 2017, while 103,493 tourists arrived on April 2016. It is noteworthy that most number of tourist arrivals was from European countries, with more than 61,000 tourists visited from the region. This is recorded as an increase of 33% compared to April 2016. Tourists from Germany, England, Italy Switzerland and Russia saw an increase in numbers.

Even though, the European tourist arrival increased, tourist arrivals from China experienced a decrease of 15%. On April, more than 20,900 tourists visited from China. The number of tourists from Middle Eastern Countries experienced a decrease of 4% following cases of H1N1 mounting in Maldives in March this year. Over all, the tourist arrivals increased this year compared to last year.