
Environment Minister departs to Italy to attend the G-7 meeting

Minister of Environment and Energy Thoriq Ibrahim has departed to Italy to attend the G-7 Environment Ministerial meeting.

On 11-12th June Bologna will host the Environment Ministerial Meeting of the G7. The meeting will be attended by the Environment Ministers of the seven countries and the Commissioners of the European Union for Environment and Climate. Furthermore, the meeting will be attended by the Environment Ministers of four outreach countries particularly committed to environmental policies, in representation of emerging countries: Chile, Maldives, Ethiopia and Rwanda.

The Bologna meeting will focus on the priority themes of the global environmental challenge, such as the state of implementation of the goals set by the Paris Agreement to fight climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN 2030 Agenda. For the first time, the Environment Ministers will discuss in a G7 meeting themes at the frontier between economy and environment: Environmental Tax Reform, Environmentally Harmful Subsidies, the role of Multilateral Development Banks, Green and Sustainable Finance. The Ministers will discuss also on traditional G7 important issues, such as Marine Litter, and Resource Efficiency. On the latter theme - the core of circular economy - the goal of the meeting will be the launch of a “Bologna roadmap”. The roadmap will be focused on some crucial issues: resource efficiency indicators, citizen involvement and awareness on food waste, economic analysis of the efficient use of resources.

The Ministry of the Environment of Maldives prepared a document to share with the other participants in the Environmental Ministerial. The event will also enjoy the joint participation of institutions, companies, environmental associations, recycling consortia and universities. Other 'side events' during the G7 Environment Week in Bologna will focus on the contrast to the plastics in the seas and on food waste.

The meeting will be attended by ministers from America, England, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, Italy and European Union’s climate change commissioners. Maldives is participating in the meeting as an outreach country. Maldives is schedule to deliver a speech on negative impact of climate change posed to small island states. Environment Minister Thoriq is also set to hold sidelines meetings with Italian counterpart regarding securing more funds for Maldives’ effort to mitigate climate change affects. Minister Thoriq will also holds meetings with the head of International Renewable Energy Agency to share updates on projects conducted in Maldives under IREA funding.