
Fourth High-level Meeting of Small Countries of WHO concludes

The Fourth High-level Meeting of Small Countries of World Health Organization (WHO) has concluded in Valletta, Malta.

The meeting was held under the theme of building resilient and healthy communities. Fourth High-level Meeting of Small Countries, comprised of 8 member states of the WHO European region with a population of less than 1 million. The meeting focused on resilience, one of the 4 cross-cutting priority areas of Health 2020 and one of the pillars underpinning the implementation of the goals and targets set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

It provided a unique opportunity to share knowledge and best practices on how to strengthen individual, community and system resilience, and demonstrate that resilience is a fundamental component of health systems and a powerful enabler of processes proposed by Health 2020, such as participatory and life-course approaches.


Ministers from member countries endorsed an outcome statement on childhood obesity during the end of the Fourth High-level Meeting of Small Countries of WHO. The meeting was held from the 26th to the 27th of June 2017.

Minister of State at Ministry of Health, Dr. Mohamed Habeeb represented Maldives at the meeting. During his visit to Malta, State Minister Habeeb met with the Health Minister of Malta, Chris Fearne.