
UNICEF Representative praises Maldives' child health care system

Maldives has one of the most advanced child health care systems in the South Asia region, according to United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Representative to the Maldives, Alice Akunga.  She made the remarks while speaking at the closing ceremony of the "Advance Pediatric Life Support" training programme.

The "Advance Pediatric Life Support" training programme was organized by Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH), in collaboration with Health Protection Agency (HPA), UNICEF and Faculty of Advance Pediatric Life Support of Australia. The one week training programme was held at IGMH.

Speaking at the closing ceremony of the training, UNICEF Representative to the Maldives, Alice Akunga said Maldives has gained huge achievements in ensuring health care for children, with the country having one of the most advanced child health care systems in the South Asia region. All parties should take the responsibility of saving children by ensuring healthy lives for them, according to UNICEF Representative.

The annual training programme was attended by doctors and nurses working in the Pediatric Department at IGMH, Hulhumale' Hospital, ADK hospital and lecturers from Faculty of Health Sciences at Maldives National University (MNU). The programme was aimed to provide further training for existing health care sector professionals, as part of the efforts to prevent child mortality rates in the country.