
Education Ministry launches MEMIS

Ministry of Education has launched Maldives Education Management Information System (MEMIS) as part of the "no child left behind" policy. The system was officially launched by Minister of Education, Dr.Aishath Shiham and the Regional Director of UNICEF, Dr. Jean Goaf.

Speaking at the ceremony held to launch MEMIS, Minister of Education, Dr. Aishath Shiham stated that education system in Maldives has expanded significantly in terms of enrolment, staffing and facilities over the years. Education Minister said that it has led to increased demand for relevant, accurate and timely statistics to support educational planning, effective allocation of resources and making well informed and timely decisions. Expressing that this milestone event demonstrates the government's commitment to the provision of evidence-based education to all and to provide improved access to relevant and quality education, Minister Aishath Shiham noted that MEMIS system is marking a new era in Educational data management and planning.

Speaking at the ceremony, Programme Advisor of Community System Foundation, Carl Tunbell assured that MEMIS would be an indispensable tool that would support educational policy of the Maldives and would bring evolutional changes to the sector. The Programme Advisor added that the program will make it easier for the parents to access student files and that it will solve many administrative challenges.

The Ministry of Education prioritizes the need to address education priorities and challenges through evidence-based decisions. This drive for credible data has enabled the Ministry to give focus on establishment of a comprehensive educational management information system.

Maldives Education Management Information System (MEMIS) is a global initiative launched by UNESCO with the aim of providing support to countries in the area of education system planning and management through the availability of timely, accurate, and quality sub-national data for evidence-based decision-making, leading to better education outcomes.