
IUM signs MoU with Business Administration Institute of Pakistan

Islamic University of Maldives (IUM) has signed a MoU with Centre for Excellence in Islamic Finance, Institute of Business Administration of Pakistan. The MoU was signed by the Deputy Vice Chancellor of Research and Innovation at IUM, Dr. Mariyam Sahuneeza Naseer and the Director of Centre for Excellence in Islamic Finance, Institute of Business Administration, Ahmed Ali Siddiqui.

The MoU agrees to the regular exchange of documentary publications research, teaching and training materials, exchange of researchers, scholars and instructors, establishment and organization of coordinated academic certificate courses, jointly development and delivery of training courses and sessions for the academicians, practitioners and professionals.

Under the MoU, it was also agreed to conduct joint research projects and case studies, organization of seminars, workshops, international conferences and symposiums and the exchange of invitations to scholars to participate in conferences, and symposiums.