
MMI and AIBD concludes HDTV workshop

Maldives Media Institute (MMI) in collaboration with Asia Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development (AIBD) has concluded the workshop on HDTV studio lighting, make-up and set design. The closing ceremony was held in Seneco Hall of PSM Radio Building.

The workshop was designed to combine the three visual element of production to give a comprehensive understanding of the processes of making a High Definition Television Programme. It was held to provide HD related trainings to the staff working in media field prior to PSM's venture to go full HD.

Speaking at the closing ceremony of the workshop, Deputy Managing Director of PSM Shaayan Shahid noted that staff working in the media needs to step up their game to meet with the ever changing technology and advancement of the field.

The classes were facilitated by experienced consultants from each respective field from AIBD. Participants of the workshop described the workshop as a golden opportunity and thanked PSM for conducting such an event.

The classes were conducted in separate classrooms simultaneously; with all the participants joining together on the final assignment to display the skills they have picked up from the workshop. Staff of PSM and other media outlets participated the training.

The aim to resolve capacity building challenges faced in media sector by providing a platform to offer domestic and international courses to the individuals working at the sector through MMI, according to PSM.