
Pakistani Prime Minister concludes Official Visit to the Maldives

Prime Minister of Pakistan, Muhammad Nawaz Sharif and Begum Kalsoom Nawaz Sharif, concluded their official visit to the Maldives. The Pakistani Prime Minister and Spouse were seen off at the Velaana International Airport by President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom and First Lady Madam Fathimath Ibrahim.

During the visit, official talks were held between Maldives and Pakistan. The Official talks mainly focused on strengthening cooperation between the two countries in the areas of economics, education, health, tourism, youth and sports. The President and the Pakistani Prime Minister also discussed matters of mutual interest at international and regional levels. The two leaders agreed on the importance of maintaining good neighbourly relations, highlighted ways to strengthen bonds between SAARC countries.

President Yameen and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif stressed the importance of solving issues through dialogue. Six very important agreements were signed between the Governments of Maldives and Pakistan during the official visit. Additionally, President Yameen and First Lady Madam Fathimath Ibrahim hosted an official banquet in the honour of Pakistani Prime Minister and Spouse.

The Prime Minister and Spouse also attended the celebrations held at the National Stadium to commemorate the 52nd Independence Day of the Maldives.