
MWSC gets awarded with ISO certificate

Male' Sewerage Company (MWSC) was awarded for their consistent servicing from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The certificate awarded by ISO 9001:2015, highlights companies and their performances for delivering sustainable and consistent services.

The certificate was awarded at a special ceremony held at Champa Central Hotel was awarded to MWSC by the Managing Director of CI International Uisoo Kang. MWSC revealed that with this achievement the company would stay alert for beforehand any occurrence.  

Addressing at the ceremony, the chief guest of the ceremony Minister of Tourism, Moosa Zameer highlighted that such certificates encourages companies to provide basic services at a sustainable and consistent level.

The Managing Director of MWSC, Ibrahim Fazul, revealed that the company has worked hard to achieve the certificates for the past couple of years and highlighted that this certificate reflects the hard work of all staffs of the company. He also highlighted that with this achievement the company would get a greater grip in the international arena. He assured that with this achievement the services provided by the company would flourish overtime.

The Managing Director of CI International, Uisoo Kang, revealed that with MWSC achieving the award the level of risk the company has to endure would decline and would have additional benefits to the company.  

In addition, the quality management team was awarded with a certificate of appreciation at the ceremony. MWSC reassured that with this achievement the company would remain to deliver quality and sustainable services to their customers.