
Four companies sign Business and Human Rights Strategy agreement

Four state companies have signed an agreement pledging compliance to Business and Human Rights Strategy.

The Business and Human Rights Strategy agreement is an initiative of Human Rights Commission of the Maldives (HRCM). The strategy was introduced with the aim of urging companies to follow all regulations which ensures rights of all business transactions are respected while upholding integrity. The strategy will focus on creating a community which is aware of the human rights policies.

As part of the strategy, the companies will sign the pledge of respecting business and human rights policies, creating awareness on the matter, reviewing policies and regulations relating to business and human rights strategy. It also aims to strengthen current frameworks on business and human rights strategies.

The companies which signed the strategy today include Maldives Ports Limited, Maldives Airports Company Limited, Aasandha Company Limited and Fenaka Corporation Limited. After signing the agreement, signatories agreed that this would increase public's trust towards the companies. Speaking at the signing ceremony, member of HRCM, Moosa Ali stated that regionally Maldives is an exceptional country in its efforts to implement human rights policies.

So far 9 companies have signed the Business and Human Rights Strategy.