
Maldives targets to eradicate Hepatitis B

Minister of Health, Abdullah Nazim Ibrahim stated that Maldives is determined to become the first country to eradicate Hepatitis B in the region.

Speaking at the Hepatitis Information Session held for Health Professionals, Health Minister, Abdulla Nazim Ibrahim highlighted that cases of Hepatitis is not widespread in the Maldives but that there are some isolated cases. The Health Minister said such cases are usually seen in elderly persons or among those who abuse drugs using syringes.

The Minister said eradication of Hepatitis is a priority for the health sector of the country. Minister Nazim said as part of this effort to eradicate Hepatitis, nationwide vaccination programmes has been held in the country by Health Authorities. Minister added that under these programmes 95 percent of children under the age of five has been vaccinated against hepatitis.

Latest updates on the medications and status of Hepatitis was relayed to health professionals during the information session held in Male'. They were also informed of latest treatment methods and instructions to follow in case they come upon a case of Hepatitis.

Health Minister said that Maldives has targeted to become the first country in the region to eradicate Hepatitis B. He said to achieve the target, health authorities will soon draft and begin implementing a strategic plan to eradicate Hepatitis from the country.

The information session for health professionals also saw expert's relays ways to tackle hepatitis and stop the spread of the disease.