
ADK Hospital ready to open new cath lab

The biggest private hospital in Maldives, ADK Hospital has stated that the catheterization laboratory being developed in its new theatre complex will be opened for services soon.

ADK Hospital is the oldest and the largest private health care facility in Maldives, which has been expanding its services throughout the years. Major projects have been held by the private company to modernise and upgrade the infrastructure, human resource and machinery and equipment of the hospital.  ADK Hospital is renowned for its dedication in adding the latest medical services to its facility.

As part of this effort, the hospital has been conducting a mega-development project, under which a large theatre complex is being developed within their facility. The project to develop the theatre complex is nearing completion, with most of the machines and equipment installed and tested, while others are in the final stages of installation. Once completed, the theatre complex of ADK Hospital will have 3 operation theatres, a five bed recovery station, a five bed coronary care unit and a catheterization laboratory with diagnostic imaging equipment used to visualize the arteries of the heart and the chambers of the heart and treat any stenosis or abnormality found.

The Managing Director of ADK Hospital, Ahmed Afaal said that machineries and equipment installed in the laboratory has been tested, while personals who would work in the laboratory has also been trained.

Currently, ADK Hospital provides services through two operation theatres which causes major obstacles for them to provide services for patients. Ahmed Afaal said the new theatre complex would solve this issue and the hospital would be able to provide services to more patients. He added that the aim of ADK Hospital is to minimize the number of patients who travel abroad to seek medical treatments by introducing the required services and increasing the capacity of the hospital.

The new theatre complex in ADK Hospital would provide open heart surgery, other types of heart and bone surgeries. 80 percent of this theatre complex was pre-fabricated from Germany. ADK Hospital cites that once completed, the theatre complex will meet international standards and provide excellent services for patients.