
Vice President urges graduates to be disciplined, well-mannered

Vice President, Abdulla Jihad has stated that students graduating tertiary studies need to be disciplined and well-mannered.

In his speech at the Graduation Ceremony of the Maldives National University (MNU), Vice President, Abdulla Jihad highlighted the importance of finding a job after completing studies to become self-reliant individuals. In addition, the Vice President highlighted President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom's emphasis on creating 95,000 job opportunities during his first term in office. The Vice President also highlighted the important role of the University in producing individuals who can contribute to nation building by working collaboratively with different institutions.

Speaking along these lines Vice President Jihad highlighted some of the ongoing programmes with the partnership of different institutions; training of 3,000 teachers by Ministry of Education and training 3,000 nurses by the Ministry of Health.

Before concluding his speech, the Vice President expressed his hopes that the graduates would fulfill their national responsibility of serving the nation and appealed to the graduates to put into good use what they have learnt by finding creative solutions for national issues and take initiative in activities that are beneficial for the society.

Moreover, Vice President Jihad emphasised on the importance of exploring the job markets and sustaining at one job. Noting that jobs are challenging and competitive, he urged every individual to face the challenges.