
Registrar of Companies notes importance of capital market

Registrar of Companies, Maryam Visam has emphasised on the importance of businesses to tap in to the capital market arena.

Speaking about the initiatives of the Capital Market on Maldives Today TV programme, aired on PSM News, Registrar of Companies, Maryam Visam highlighted that the capital market initiatives has improved over the past few years. On the same note, the Registrar of Companies said that much needs to be done in order to improve the environment for businesses to tap into capital market arena.

Registrar of Companies, Visam stated that businesses need to tap in to the capital market arena, for the betterment of both the business and the capital market authority. Noting that capital market development authority works both as a developer as well as a regulator, Visam urged all the businesses to make the best use of the authority.

Speaking about corporate governance, Visam stressed on the importance of businesses understanding that corporate governance is about procedures, systems and processors. She noted that in order to achieve corporate governance, it is vital to ensure that every single separate legal entity that is registered in the Maldives have appropriate systems by which it is governed.

Corporate governance is the system of rules, practices and processes by which a company is directed and controlled. Corporate governance essentially involves balancing the interests of a company's many stakeholders, such as shareholders, management, customers, suppliers, financiers, government and the community.