
Dr Naseer addresses High-level Forum on the Culture of Peace

Permanent Representative of Maldives to the United Nations, Dr. Ali Naseer Mohamed has called on the Government of Myanmar to take immediate measures to stop the inhuman atrocities committed against the Rohingya Muslim community in that country.

On the plenary statement at the High-level Forum on the Culture of Peace, Permanent Representative of Maldives to the United Nations, Dr. Ali Naseer Mohamed called on the Government of Myanmar to take immediate measures to end the inhuman atrocities committed against the Rohingya Muslim community Myanmar. Noting that the targeted attacks completely disregard civilian population and infrastructure causing deaths of hundreds, including children Ambassador Naseer stressed that Myanmar Government needs to see the Rohingyans as fellow human beings, before questioning about their nationality.

On the same note the ambassador urged the Government of Israel, the Occupying Power in Palestine, to stop the atrocities committed against the Palestinians and treat the Palestinians as fellow human beings. He added that it will promote a culture of peace in both Palestine and Israel. Ambassador Naseer described the humanitarian crisis in Syria, ambassador as a result of failure to act.

Ambassador Naseer reiterated that Syrian Government and all the parties involved must bring an end to the suffering, which has been unjustly inflicted on the innocent civilians in Syria. Stating that the default mode of human life, the default culture of humanity is peace, not war, he advised that the governments and individuals to take immediate measures for the societies to return to the default mode. He said that the responsibility to restore peace and harmony is on the government.

He expressed gratitude on behalf of the government of Maldives for the tremendous work that various UN agencies, UNESCO in particular, have done in cultivating and in promoting a culture of peace. He also noted that while the United Nations and international civil society are doing commendable work in promoting such a culture, countries should recognize the primary role of national governments in cultivating a culture of respect and tolerance that will create the environment necessary to prevent violence and violent conflicts.

Reiterating that terrorism and violent extremism has become the biggest threat to peace and security today, and the underlying causes are the absence of tolerance, respect for human dignity, and equality ambassador cited that President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has taken strong measures against terrorism, and in cultivating and promoting a culture of respect in the Maldivian society. He added that the Government's policies are closely aligned with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and that it recognizes the importance of fostering a culture of peace through education, strengthening institutions, reducing inequalities, and in building partnerships.

On conclusion Ambassador Ali Naseer thanked for convening this High Level Forum on the Culture of Peace and expressed hope that the discussion in the Forum can generate the required political will, the required momentum, to cultivate the values of respect in the societies so that it can promote a culture of peace; so that countries could create a more tolerant global society for a more harmonious and peaceful world for generations to come.