
Maldives organize aid for victims of Rakhine violence

United Nations states that the number of Rohingya Muslims seeking refuge in Bangladesh has increased by an estimated 20,000 to reach 290,000. The surge of refugees has strained aid agencies already helping hundreds of thousands of Rohingya displaced by previous violence in Myanmar.

The flight of the Rohingya began on the August 25, after insurgents attacked police posts and an army base in Rakhine state. That triggered an army counter-offensive in which at least 400 people were killed, thousands of houses burned, villages razed and vast swathes of land depopulated. Rohingya Muslims fleeing to Bangladesh from escalating violence in Myanmar faced the growing danger of sickness and attempts by the Bangladesh authorities to send them home, despite a United Nations plea that they be allowed to seek shelter.

Major protests have been carried out in various countries worldwide. Countries such as; Sri Lanka, India and Philippines have raised their voice against the brutal treatment the Rohingya Muslims are being subjected to in Myanmar. Holding placards such as 'We Condemn the Myanmar Government' and 'We Condemn The Merciless Killing Of Innocents In Myanmar', the protesters also criticized the United States and the United Nations for not doing enough to resolve the crisis.

Maldives, being one of the first countries to respond to the situation, has been organizing various events to raise fund and aid for them. Protest marches have also been carried out in various islands of Maldives. The government has boosted these activities by establishing a special committee to raise funds to provide aid for the Rohingya Muslims.

The organizers revealed that the committee would monitor and plan various activities to raise funds and aid for the Rohingya. This committee consists of personnel from the Ministry of Defense and National Security, Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Ministry of Home Affairs, Disaster Management Centre and media personnel. The committee is chaired by Minister of Defense, Adam Shareef Umar. The organizers of the committee revealed that a hotline number would be established for the public, to engage in work carried out by the committee. An account has also been created at Bank of Maldives, to deposit funds. Addressing the press conference held to announce the establishment of the committee, the organizers revealed that a telethon to raise funds has been scheduled to be held from 21-23 September.

In addition to this, NGO International Aid Campaign has launched the "Help Rohingya Maldives" campaign to raise funds and aid at a national level throughout the nation. In the press conference to launch the "Help Rohingya Maldives" campaign the organizers revealed that till now 29 various organizations from Maldives have associated with them to raise the aid. IAC who has helmed a successful "Help Syria Maldives" campaign earlier this year had associated with the Turkish government's NGO to deliver the aid. Under this campaign IAC plans to carry out various fund raising activities such as jumble sale, food selling activities and establishing funds at various parts of Maldives. IAC revealed that this campaign is expected to run till the October 5, and urged all everyone to assist them in to help the ethnic Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar.