
Government cannot be blamed for the failure of All party Talks

The lead representative of the government at the all parties talks, Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture, Dr. Mohamed Shainee stated that the government cannot be blamed for the failure of the discussions.

At a press conference held at the President's Office, Fisheries Minster Dr. Mohamed Shainee stated that the government is still ready to re-engage the talks. The government revealed plans to continue all party talks on August 30 but the opposition parties have been demanding to free imprisoned leaders to commence the discussions.

At the press briefing, the Fisheries Minister highlighted that the government has always wanted the discussions to workout but the opposition parties had earlier put forward two conditions to commence the discussions. These include freeing former president Mohamed Nasheed and providing him the chance to compete in the 2018 Presidencial Elections. The Minister stated that all the conditions proposed by the parties cannot be fulfilled. Furthermore, he highlighted that the government has done its part in trying to have the discussion rounds but in order to fulfill the demands of the opposition, the government cannot go against the constitution of Maldives.

The talks between the political parties of Maldives was initiated by President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom in June 2015.