
The 36th session of UNHRC commences in Geneva

The 36th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has commenced at the Palais des Nation in Geneva. The 36th UNHRC session will continue for 3 weeks, concluding on September 29. The session began with opening remarks by President of the council, Ambassador of El Salvador Joaquin Alexander Maza Martelli.

At the opening session, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein presented an oral update on the situation of human rights around the world. A number of high-level dignitaries will be addressing the council, including the Foreign Ministers of Qatar, Venezuela, Finland, State Minister of United Kingdom and Vice Minister of Bolivia. The President of Cambodian Human Rights Committee will address the council. The Secretary General of ASEAN Le Luong Minh will also address the council during the first week.

Similar to previous sessions of the UNHRC, the delegation of Maldives will actively participate and deliver a number of statements around an array of Agenda Items in the Programme of Work. This will include statements for two panel discussions on the rights of Women and integrating the gender perspective, and statements for interactive dialogues on rights of older persons and the right to water and sanitation, dialogue on right to development, to name a few. Furthermore, the Maldives will deliver statements on the Agenda Item for Universal Periodic Review of States.

The Maldives, as part of regional and political groups including the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and Non-Aligned Movement, have shared concerns of the human rights atrocities that are escalating around the world and will address some of these concerns as well in its endeavours to promote and protect human rights for all. In this regard, the Maldives will deliver a statement on the discussion on the issue of human rights situation in Myanmar, Commission of Inquiry on Syrian Arab Republic, and the Agenda Item on Palestine.

The Maldives priorities at the UNHRC include women's rights, children's rights, climate change and environment and rule of law and democracy. The Maldives will assiduously contribute and co-sponsor several key resolutions that are a priority to the country.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and Permanent Representative of Maldives to the United Nations Office at Geneva Dr. Hala Hameed, will head the delegation of Maldives at the 36th Session of UNHRC. Deputy Permanent Representative of Maldives to United Nations Office at Geneva Salim Waheed and First Secretary at the Permanent Mission of Maldives to United Nations Office at Geneva, Aishath Shahula will be part of the delegation.

The Maldives is currently on a mandatory break from the Council in 2017, after completing in December 2016, two consecutive terms as a member of the council.

The Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental body within the United Nations system, made up of 47 Member States, which are responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe.