
Foreign Minister delivers keynote address at side event at UNHQ

The Maldives has hosted a Side-Event titled “Countering Violent Extremism: Promoting Community Level Prevention” at the margins of the 72nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly.

The event was held in partnership with the Permanent Mission of Saudi Arabia to the United Nations.

The event was moderated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Mohamed Asim.

In his speech, the Foreign Minister stated that no country is immune from the threat of violent extremism and that it spreads fear, hate, and it challenges the States, and the democratic order in the country. Minister Asim stated that extremists propagate ideology of hate and division, ideologies that reject the Islamic teachings and the values of democratic, progressive, and inclusive societies.

The Minister further briefed the delegations on the efforts by the government to combat violent extremism. The comprehensive policy of President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom, unequivocally condemns all forms of support for, and participation in, any acts of terrorism and violent extremism, the minister said.

The Minister also noted the Anti-Terrorism Act passed in 2015 which enables law enforcement agencies and the prosecuting authorities to specifically address foreign terrorist fighters and those providing financial or material support to terrorist or violent extremist organisations.