
Pakistani Ambassador highlights areas of expanding ties

Ambassador of Pakistan to the Maldives Vice Admiral (Retired) Syed Khawar Ali Shah has highlighted the key areas that the depth and the scope of the relationship could be further expanded between the two countries.

Speaking at the fifth session of the Distinguished Speaker Series held by the Foreign Service institute of Maldives (FOSIM), the Ambassador of Pakistan noted the highlights of the Maldives-Pakistan relationship. Elaborating on the current status of the Maldives-Pakistan relationship, Ambassador Khawar Ali Shah noted that through trade links, and increased exchange of tourists, the relationship between the two countries could further be expanded.


In the discussion that followed, issues ranging from people-to-people contact, regional cooperation and cooperation in the field of business links were discussed. Ambassador Ali Shah has had a long and distinguished tenure of service in Pakistan, primarily in the Naval Service, spanning over 40 years. He was appointed Ambassador to the Maldives in 2015.

FOSIM Distinguished Speaker series features notable figures both at home and abroad, and aims to create dialogue and debate on issues of strategic and global importance among the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.