
Maldivian Ambassador to Sri Lanka to enhance bilateral relations

The Ambassador of Maldives to Sri Lanka Mohamed Hussain Shareef has stated that he would not restrain from providing services public depending on the political interests of individuals.

In an exclusive interview with PSM News, the newly appointed Ambassador to Sri Lanka stated that he is appointed as the ambassador not to uphold political interests, but to serve the Maldivians with quality services and to enhance bilateral relations with Sri Lanka.

In this regard, the Ambassador highlighted that therefore he would not restrain from providing services public depending on the political interests of individuals. Responding to the criticisms, Ambassador Shareef stated that the opposition is intimidated by his work ethics and requested the public to refrain from believing such baseless accusations.

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom appointed Mohamed Hussain Shareef as the Ambassador of Maldives to Sri Lanka in September of this year. Previously, he served as the Ambassador of Maldives to Japan.