
No Maldivian would be excluded from nation building - President

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has states that no Maldivian would be excluded from nation building; and says that political differences between the citizens should not pave way for national divides.

Addressing the official function to mark the 49th Republic Day of Maldives, President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom said that the sanctity of the state is the one element that has always been preserved despite the short span of relatively fast pace of changes to the constitution and organisation of state powers. In addition, President Yameen called upon all state institutions, its employees and the citizens of Maldives to ensure that the sovereignty of the state remains inviolable under any circumstance.

President Yameen stated that no Maldivian would be excluded from nation building; and said that political differences between the citizens should not pave way for national divides. On this note, President Yameen stressed on the importance of participating in nation building despite the differences in opinion and called on to actively combat and not let differences create strife in the community. President Yameen expressed that as long as the Maldives upholds its commitment to Islam as the single religion accepted by the state, the country would remain a target of intellectual warfare and highlighted that, acts of violent and religious extremism are also planned intellectually. President Yameen concluded his statement by calling the nation to take measures to end the spread of such damaging ideologies.

In the official function to mark the 49th Republic Day of Maldives, President Yameen conferred National Awards of Honor, National Award of Recognition and President's awards. This year, National Awards of Honor was achieved by 2 individuals, while 24 individuals and 1 company received National Award of Recognition. President's Awards were conferred for 47 individuals for attaining remarkable achievements. The winners of the national awards described this as a boost to provide services to the nation and thanked President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom for his commitment in the development of all sectors of the nation.

The National Award is presented to outstanding individuals, civil institutions, private companies, and organisations in recognition of, and honoring, exceptional and continuous services towards nurturing a healthier and more vibrant society and contribution to national development.