
67% of China-Maldives Friendship Bridge completed

The China-Maldives Friendship Bridge is touted as the biggest development project carried out in Maldives. The China Maldives Friendship bridge which connects three of the most important lands of Maldives, Male, Hulhule' and Hulhumale' would ease the transportation of the citizens which has to travel through sea.

Maldives being a nation with small isolated small strips of land, has always faced various difficulties in transportation.

Addressing the press about the latest progress of the China Maldives Friendship Bridge, the Project Manager revealed that the foundation work of the main bridge and the foundation work of the approach bridge have now been completed. Lin further revealed that the work of pile foundation of the approach bridge has now been completed and that work on the super-structure which is laid below the ocean is now progressing at a fast pace. Lin stated that 67% of the construction of the bridge has now been completed. Lin concluded by stating that the construction of the bridge is going as per schedule and assured that the bridge would be completed and handed over on the contracted date.

The developer of the bridge, CCCC Second Harbour Engineering Company revealed that the work on interconnecting the main piles by preparing steel box guard beams, prior to the laying of the superstructure of the bridge is progressing at a fast pace.

Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Dr. Mohamed Muizzu had earlier stated that the steel box guard beams are expected to be completed by January next year.

The China Maldives Friendship Bridge is the first project of its kind in the Maldives and is the largest development project. The project was officially inaugurated by President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom on December 30, 2015. The 2 thousand-metre bridge is set to be completed and inaugurated in 2018.

The bridge will cost approximately USD 210 million, of which 94% is provided by the Chinese government, which includes a grant aid of USD 124 million and a soft loan of USD 73.4 million. The remaining USD 12.6 million is provided by the government.