
International workshop on analysing dengue commences in Maldives

International Workshop on Collection, Modelling and Analysis of Dengue Fever Data organised by Faculty of Science has commenced in Maldives. At the International Workshop on Collection, Modelling and Analysis of Dengue Fever Data, participants will discuss and research on issues related to dengue. The sessions will also highlight on ways to create awareness amongst the public.

The workshop is organised by Maldives National University (MNU) in collaboration with German based University of Bremen. The workshop is attended by renowned experts in the field from University of Bremen and Mahidol University of Thailand and is supported by World Health Organization (WHO). Representatives from stakeholder institutions including Health Protection Agency, WHO, UNICEF, Maldivian Red Crescent as well as officials from relevant ministries and departments are also taking part in the workshop.


Furthermore, a memorandum of understanding was signed by Faculty of Science and Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of University of Bremen during the opening ceremony of the workshop. Under the signed memorandum, both faculties will conduct several activities including exchange programmes.