4 aharu

Defence Minister applauds administration's successes

Minister of Defence, Adam Shareef Umar stated that the administration of President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom is the most successful administration to have governed under the new constitution.

Addressing the official function held to celebrate the completion of four successful years of the administration of President Yameen, the Defense Minister stated that this administration has served the longest term under the new constitution and highlighted that the government has achieved major developmental goals related to national progress.

The Defence Minister highlighted that the nation was in political turmoil when President Yameen took office and attributed major progress since then, to the developments the nation has witnessed under President Yameen's guidance, within the short span of four years.

Highlighting that the Education sector is the main pillar of a nation's development Minister Adam Shareef Umar stated that President Yameen has brought in revolutionary advancements to this sector.

Remembering the condition of the Maldivian health sector when President Yameen took office, he said that the President has now revived the health sector with the introduction of new services.

Minister Adam Shareef concluded his speech by highlighting the role that First Lady Fathimath Ibrahim has played, for the betterment of the society