
Meteorology forecast that weather will start to ease tomorrow

Maldives Meteorological Service forecast that the weather will start to get back to normal from tomorrow onwards. Meteorological Office forecast fairly widespread rain with occasional heavy showers and thunderstorms over the country with surface winds varying between south-west and westerly at 15 to 25 miles per hour in southern atolls, west and northwesterly at 20 to 30 miles per hour in central and northern atolls. The Maldivian weather office added that winds may increase 50 to 60 miles per hour during showers.

As seas are expected to be generally rough throughout the country, the Meteorological Office adivses to avoid any sea transportation, unless neccessary. Sea travellers are also advised to take extra precaution against strong winds and rough seas and to notify the authorities about their travels.

The cyclone formed in the region caused flooding in several islands of Maldives which resulted in damages to households and crops. The relevant authorities in Maldives are continuously working to monitor the situation across the country.

The cyclonic storm, Ockhi, formed in the South Asian region turned into a stronger storm and is currently traveling away from the Maldives, according to Maldives Meteorological Service. Ockhi is now travelling towards the Arabian Sea and is now 221 km away from Thuraakunu Island in Haa Alifu atoll, added the Maldives Meteorological Service.