
Maldives commences first ever Customer Experience Conference

The first ever Customer Experience Conference commences in Maldives. The one day conference will give participants an insight into how to deliver outstanding customer experience and boost the customer experience engagement of their respective companies.

The conference will boast insights from some of the most influential leaders in Customer Experience in the world. The day will provide a clear vision of the challenges in the field for 2018 and how to start addressing them. The conference will also highlight the importance of new Customer Experience strategies. The conference is attended by world renowned business personnel. Key note speakers at the conference consists of professionals from Singapore, Malaysia, Dubai and London.

The conference was kicked off by the President of Civil Service Commission, Dr. Ali Shameem. Speaking at the opening ceremony, Dr. Ali Shameem highlighted the transformations undertaken in the customer service sector. He said that this conference is crucial to the enhancement of services provided to customers.

Addressing the conference, Chairman of Customer Experience Foundation (CXFO) Morris Pentel noted the importance of adapting to changes and altering the way of services provided if needed.

Customer Experience Foundation (CXFO), the main aim of organising such a conference is to provide participants with easy access to training at an affordable rate, so that they can learn the best practices and thrive in their businesses, according to the organiser,

Maldives Customer Experience Conference is held in Paradise Island Resort.