
CMEC hands over 1500 housing units to Maldivian Government

China Machinery Engineering Corporation has handed over 1500 housing units to the Maldivian government. The housing units were constructed in Hulhumalé and other 8 islands spread over 4 atolls in the country's south. The construction of the housing units was contracted to China Machinery Engineering Cooperation.

In December 2014, President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom inaugurated the mega project of the construction of housing units with the aim to provide housing facilities to all Maldivians.

Under this project, 604 housing units were constructed in Hulhumalé, 264 housing units in Hithadhoo of Addu city, 120 housing units in Thinadhoo of Gaafu Dhaalu atoll, 50 housing units in Gahdhoo of Gaafu Dhaalu atoll, while 40 housing units were constructed in Hoadedhoo of Gaafu Dhaalu atoll. In addition, 50 housing units were constructed in Villingili of Gaafu Alifu atoll and Madaveli of Gaafu Dhaalu atoll.

At the ceremony, the completed housing units were handed over by China Machinery Engineering Cooperation to the Minister of Housing and Infranstructure, Dr. Mohamed Muizzu.

Addressing the ceremony, Housing Minister Dr. Mohamed Muizzu stated that the current administration shows exemplary efforts in developing the housing sector.

The housing units would have a positive effect on the lives of many Maldivians stated Housing Minister assuring that more housing units would be completed within the next year.