
Government decides to establish weather station in 55 islands

Minister of Environment and Energy Thoriq Ibrahim has revealed that weather stations would be established in 55 islands of Maldives by the end of the second quarter next year. The Maldivian Environment Minsiter said the weather stations would revolutionise the Maldivian Metrological sector. Under the grant aid of the Italian government, the Maldivian government handed over the construction of 25 of the 55 automatic weather stations to Italian company CAE.

Addressing the handover ceremony, Minister of Environment and Energy Thoriq Ibrahim stated that the establishment of new weather stations would enhance the data published by the National Metrological Centre. The major aim of establishing weather stations across the country is to create a weather network in Maldives, according to the Environment Minister.

The Italian company would complete the establishment of the 25 weather stations in a period of 3 months at a cost of about USD 714,000.

The Environment Ministry is also on the verge of announcing a deal to establish weather stations in another 11 islands. Earlier, the Ministry contracted the establishment of weather stations in 19 islands and revealed that the project is going at a fast pace.