
Maldives committed to South-South and Triangular Cooperation

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Mohamed Asim has assured that Maldives remains committed to South-South and Triangular Cooperation. During his remarks at the Policy Dialogue on innovation in the service delivery and scope for south-south triangular cooperation,

Foreign Minister Asim stated that Maldives understands the importance of working closely with stakeholders to overcome common challenges. In addition, Minister Asim expressed that innovative practices, transfer of technology, regional integration and shared ideas are some of the areas, which if utilised appropriately can be a multiplier towards the eradication of poverty, job creation, and even long-term economic growth.

Noting that innovation and small scale implementation of creative solutions for service delivery, amongst other areas, can have an important social as well as economic effects that could further challenge the age-old inefficiencies and bureaucracy that often define the State's interaction and engagement with its own populace, Minister Asim noted that everyone must make use of all opportunities available to break that cycle. Maldives has taken significant strides to modernise service delivery through the implementation of digitisation and computerisation programmes across the board, highlighted Minister Asim.

During the remarks, Foreign Minister Asim highlighted some of the main infrastructural development projects undertaken by the government to improve the service delivery in Maldives. Furthermore, Minister Asim cited that Maldives works to adopt to the latest technologies while facilitating and delivering services. Maldives, with its own experiences in both primary and tertiary industries, has a lot to share and offer to stakeholders and regional partners, stated the Minister.

South-South and Triangular Cooperation has huge potential to contribute to the development of innovation in a myriad of ways in the Global South.