
Health Ministry to solve issues with Noorul Islam International

Ministry of Health has revealed that discussion rounds will commence with Noorul Islam International Private Limited to solve service related issues faced at Kulhudhuffushi Regional Hospital.

The Health Ministry made the statement to address the critisizm followed by the decline in the quality of services provided by Kulhudhuiffushi Regional Hospital. Answering a question posed by PSM News regarding quality of service in Kulhudhuffushi Regional Hospital, Senior Policy Executive of Ministry of Health, Mohamed Mahir stated that upgradation of the hospital has not commenced as per the timeline given to Noorul Islam International Private Limited.

Senior Policy Executive, Mohamed Mahir revealed that adequate work has not been carried out by Noorul Islam International Private Limited to recruit medical personal and expand the services. According to Mahir, the issues were due to misunderstandings between Noorul Islam International and that the Ministry is exerting efforts to come to an agreement with the Indian based hospital. He said the Ministry is closely monitoring the situation of the services and assured that the hospital would continue uninterrupted services at good quality.

The Maldivian government handed over the Kulhudhuffushi Regional Hospital to Noorul Islam International Private Limited on July 19 for a period of 50 years. Under the agreement the hospital is to be converted to a 150-bed multi-specialty tertiary hospital within a period of 16 months.