
Trial phase of new Fish Freezing system inugurated

Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture Dr. Mohamed Shainee has inaugurated the testing phase of the nano-technology fish freezing system.

The system was inaugurated as part of the activities carried out in Ihavandhoo island of Haa Alifu Atoll to celebrate Fishermen's Day.

After launching the nano-technology fish freezing system Minister Shainee said that the system is a huge step towards President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom's initiative to expand and eliminate hurdles in the fisheries sector.

Minister Shainee revealed that the expenses for the Nano-Technology Fish Freezing system would be funded from the International Pole and Line Foundation and stated that the testing procedures are carried out by experts from Iceland.  

Fisheries Ministry revealed that the ministry is carrying out trials of various fish freezing techniques and the stated that the ministry would implement and opt for the best technique for the nation.