
Maldives responds to U.S. and Israel at 10th emergency session

Maldives has responded to the U.S. and Israel at the 10th emergency special session concerning the Palestine issue appealing to Israel to withdraw from illegal occupation of Palestine. Delivering the speech at the emergency special session concerning the issue of Palestine, Permanent Representative of Maldives to United Nations Dr. Ali Naseer Mohamed stated that there is no place in the international system for illegal occupation and annexation of people's land. Noting that the message by the countries to Israel and handful of countries that supports the illegal action are very clear, the Maldivian Representative stated that international community is united in upholding the rule of law.

Continuing on, Maldives called on Israel to implement the relevant resolutions to fully respect the legal obligations that it undertook in the international agreements it has signed. Furthermore, Dr. Ali Naseer expressed that the government of Maldives lauds the visionary leadership of President of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas.

On conclusion, Maldives assured that once elected for the seat of the United Nations Security Council, it will work with all member states to ensure that the United Nations remain the key actor in finding a lasting resolution for the people of Palestine and in crafting a shared solution for a shared destiny.

The non-binding resolution was approved at a United Nations General Assembly emergency meeting by 128 states, with 35 abstaining and 9 voting against.