
Zakat Fund to sponsor more patients for bone marrow transplant

Ministry of Islamic Affairs has revealed that sponsors will be provided from the Zakat Fund for more patients to undergo bone marrow transplant procedures this year.

In the past two years, the Maldivian Government provided over USD1.2 million from Zakat Fund to sponsor bone marrow transplants for patients. In this regard, the Government sponsored 19 patients in 2015 out of which 12 successfully completed bone marrow transplants, while in 2016 3 out of the 6 patients sponsored successfully completed bone marrow transplants. On average over USD58,400 dollars were spent on each patient, which included the expenses of bone marrow transplant, round tickets of four persons and accommodation cost for three months, according to the Islamic Ministry.

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom pledged to sponsor at least 25 patients to undergo bone marrow transplant procedures within his first term in office. The pledge has been well achieved, with 57 patients having undergone bone-marrow transplant procedures to date.