
Academic new year begins with 81,000 students, key initiatives

The academic new year has begun with 81,000 students in the Maldives, with major key initiatives by the administration to further expand the education sector.

Since President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom assumed office in 2013, the administration has been carrying out various key developmental projects throughout the nation. One of the prime focuses of development of the administration is the education sector. Under the objective, the administration initiated the implementation of the "No child left behind policy" in all educational institutions in the Maldives.

Furthermore, the administration has successfully commenced the implementation of a new syllabus with richer content for the students. As the academic new year begins in the Maldives today, the administration has several more initiatives to further expand the education sector. Ministry of Education highlights that Maldives is ranked high in the literacy level in the South Asian region and assured that the education sector is all equipped for the new academic year.

With over 81,000 students attaining education this year, the Ministry has planned major changes to the education system. One such major change is the digitalisation project which was implemented with the start of the new academic year. The pilot phase of the mega project of digitalising the schools have been implemented, with the first phase of the project is to be completed within this year, as per the education ministry. 

In addition, the Ministry has increased the number of teachers in the Maldives to 8,500, including 6,500 local teachers. Another key area of focus of the administration is the expansion of the educational institutions in Maldives.

With over 200 schools established thoughout the Maldives, the administration has carried out various projects to upgrade the institutions in the past year.