
HPA says 64 cases of dengue fever filed so far in 2018

Health Protection Agency (HPA) has revealed that a total of 64 cases of dengue fever have been filed so far this year, which is an incline compared to the previous year.

Mosquito being a vector for viruses and bacteria, mosquito borne diseases tend to surge during the first few months of ever year. The agency has been exerting extensive efforts in tackling the surging number of dengue fever cases. In this regard, HPA has carried out a special campaign to raise public awareness on how to tackle the threats imposed by mosquitoes. HPA revealed that the number of dengue fever cases hiked in specific areas of the country this year. Most of the cases were reported from the Greater Male' region and the northern parts of the country, according to the agency.


With January regarded as the breeding season of mosquitoes, the number of dengue fever cases being reported increase during this period every year. As the weather starts warming up, the dread of mosquito breeding season is probably one of the most unpleasant dilemmas. Warmer and the humid climate increases the length of mosquito breeding season every year.


Around 2.5 billion people, or 40% of the world's population, live in areas where there is a risk of dengue transmission.