
Maldives and Laos hold discussions on social issues

Maldives and Laos has held discussions on ways to provide collaborative assistance and protection on social issues, at a global scale. 

In a meeting between the Minister of Gender and Family of Maldives Zenysha Shaheedh Zakee and Minister of Labour and Social Welfare of Laos Dr. Khampheng Saysompheng, discussed ongoing efforts on protecting and promoting the rights of vulnerable groups.

In the talks held from 22nd to 25th of this month Minister Zenysha briefed the Minister from Laos on the progress Maldives has attained in this sector. She highlighted the work Maldives has carried out in the protection of vulnerable groups. 

Minister Zenysha also met with the President of Lao Women's Union Dr. Inlavanh Keobounphanh and discussed ongoing efforts on the advancement of women's rights in both countries.

In the Gender Minister's trip she visited the Counselling and Protection Center for Women and Children and exchanged experiences on providing assistance and support to victims of abuse. The Minister also visited various orphanages in Laos.