
President: Lost states assets will be recovered

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has assured that the government will work to recover lost state assets, affirming that action will be taken within laws and regulations regardless of the position of an individual.

During his speech at a gathering held by ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM), President Abdulla Yameen emphasised that it is a responsibility of the government towards its citizens to recover all lost state assets. Perpetrators must face consequences of corruption and that action will be taken regardless of the position of an individual, according to the President.

Reiterating that the administration will act in accordance with laws and regulations, President Yameen cited that the most clamorous people today are the ones who once had power but failed to act in accordance. The government will not influence the security forces of the Maldives, even though it was widely practiced in previous government, assured the President.

Highlighting that there is no need to consult foreign parties in carrying out daily tasks of Maldives, the President guaranteed that the government is capable of taking decisions which would benefit the country.

Slamming the claims of the opposition regarding the lease of lands to foreign investors, the President stated that the government has not failed in proving there is enough land in Maldives. The opposition has on various occasions criticised the government saying that there will be no land left for Maldivians after leasing land to foreign investors.

Mentioning that within the past four years, the government initiated land reclamation projects are equivalent to 20 new islands, President Yameen said it was only for the use of Maldivians and not for foreign investors or major infrastructure projects.