
Fisheries Minister praises economic policies of President Yameen

Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture Dr. Mohamed Shainee has stated that under the robust policy of President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom, the administration has emerged victorious from the roughest patches of the Maldivian economy it has faced in recent years.

Speaking on the programme, Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture Dr. Mohamed Shainee cited that President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has transformed the declining Maldivian fisheries market by implementing strategic action plan to enhance the economy of the country. Fisheries Minister Mohamed Shainee stated that Maldivian fisheries export industry had earlier relied on few specific foreign markets, which has been changed by the administration by introducing Maldivian fish products to new markets, which has boosted the economic growth of the country. Minister Shainee credited President Yameen for unleashing the true unique selling point of the fisheries industry and noted that Maldivian fish exports are regarded as premium products in the global market.

"President Yameen took the right decision at the time to make the sector resilient to external shocks so he believed that when the industry is robust and resilient we would not face these kind of challenges," Minister Shainee said.

Briefing on his recent visit to several African nations to seek support for securing a seat for Maldives at United Nations Security Council, the Maldivian Fisheries Minister said the visit has been a successful venture, as all the countries positively expressed confidence in Maldives and what the country has to offer in the United National Security Council. Minister Shainee further said the discussions also focused on extending and strengthening relations Maldives has with African nations. The Minister revealed that African nations have shown a keen interest to advance relations in sectors such as fisheries and agriculture.

"The African leaders are interested to partner with Maldives in areas we are very strong. We are looking forward to the African continent. It is an area where we can develop businesses as well," Shainee further said.

Minister Shainee recently visited South Africa, Tanzania and Mozambique as a Special Envoy of President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom as part of the campaign to secure a seat for the Maldives at the United Nation's Security Council for the term 2019-2020.