
Income generated from the air cargo service rises by 300%

Managing Director of Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL) Adil Moosa has revealed that the income generated from the air cargo service of the company has risen by 300% since President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom assumed office in 2013. The Managing Director of MACL made the remarks while addressing the function held to inaugurate the project to develop the new cargo terminal complex at Velana International Airport (VIA)

Managing Director Adil Moosa revealed that the biggest hurdle in delivering optimal services is the issues faced due to overcrowding at VIA. The Managing Director stated that with the establishment of the new cargo terminal complex the issues faced is expected to be solved. Adil Moosa said that the new cargo terminal complex would be established with a new jetty and crane services.

The air cargo plays a crucial and integral role in the development of the Maldivian economy, Minister of Economic Development Mohamed Saeed said after inaugurating the project to develop the new cargo terminal complex. In this regard, Minister Saeed said with the expansion of the Maldivian tourism sector, the role of the cargo service would become more significant and stated that the new cargo terminal complex would open various new job opportunities for locals.

The cargo terminal developed at Velana International Airport is contracted to Beijing Urban Construction Group. The development of the expanded cargo terminal, 120,000 tonnes of air cargo will be processed each year, according to MACL.